Hearthstone Fractured in Alterac Valley Onyxia mini-set coming February 15 with 35 new cards
A mini-prepare of 35 new cards is coming to the Fractured in Alterac Valley Hearthstone expansion on February 15. These cards will exist available in normal Alterac Valley packs, or the entire 66-carte du jour mini set can be purchased using 2000 in-game gilded, or $14.99. The option to buy an all-golden set is also available for $69.99.
The new set up contains 4 legendary cards, 1 epic card, 14 rare cards, and 16 common cards. These will exist revealed over the adjacent few days on the Hearthstone twitter account. You can as well visit the bill of fare library to see them all once the reveals conclude.
The min-set isn't the just thing coming on February xv. Patch 22.4 will too get live on this mean solar day, bringing updates to Battlegrounds, Mercenaries, Duels, and Arenas. Three new heroes – Varden Dawngrasp, Rokara, and Onyxia – will besides be added as early access for players with Battleground Perks. These heroes formally release on March 1.
Other additions include Battlefield Finisher animations added to the shop, as well as a new limited fourth dimension mercenary event where players must complete a chain of 10 heady tasks to receive an epic Chi-Ji mercenary card. Players volition take until March 9 to complete all 10 tasks.
These are the official patch notes:
Diamond Vanndar is On His Way!
After a hard-fought battle, the Brotherhood claimed victory in the Boxing for Alterac Valley! To commemorate their victory, all players volition receive a free Diamond copy of Vanndar Stormpike upon login. Remember, even though the battle for Alterac Valley is over, you lot still take until the finish of the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion wheel to complete your personal event quest chain.
Battlegrounds Updates
NEW HEROESVarden Dawngrasp
- Twice equally Nice
- Passive. After Bob's Tavern is Refreshed, copy and Freeze one of his minions.
- Glory of Gainsay
- Passive. After a friendly minion kills an enemy, give it +1 Attack permanently.
- Broodmother
- Passive. Avenge (4): Summon a 2/one Whelp. It attacks immediately.
Players with Battlegrounds Perks will have early admission to the iii new Heroes before they are formally released on March 1.
- Kael'thas, Silas Darkmoon, and Chenvaala have been returned to the Hero Pool.
BUDDY UPDATESnow Elemental (Chenvaala'south Buddy)
- Old: [Tavern Tier ii]→New: [Tavern Tier 3]
NEW BUDDIESVarden'south Aquarrior (Varden Dawngrasp's Buddy)
- [Tier ii, Elemental] 3 Attack, v Health. "Twice as Nice" also gives the copy stats equal to your Tavern Tier.
Icesnarl the Mighty (Rokara'south Buddy)
- [Tier 4, Animal] 5 Attack, 2 Health. After a friendly minion kills an enemy, gain +ane Wellness permanently.
Many Whelps (Onyxia's Buddy)
- [Tier two, Dragon] 4 Attack, 2 Health. Whenever you summon a Whelp, gain +2/+two permanently.
NEW Store ITEMS (Corrective)
Bob is back with another mode to add together flair and personalization to the Tavern: Battlegrounds Finishers! Battlegrounds Finishers are animations that supersede the default Attack animation whenever your Hero wins a round of combat.* Bob'southward starting time Finisher, Astral Bear upon, is a 2-phase Finisher. That means that it shows a special animation whenever your Hero wins a round and then aneven bigger blitheness when y'all deal xv or more impairment to your enemy! Keep a await out for more cool Battlegrounds Finishers in the time to come.
In improver to the offset-always Finisher, Bob'south also bringing two new Battlegrounds Boards to choose from. On February 14, at i p.k. Pacific, join ninaisnoob on her YouTube channel for interviews with Cosmetics Production Lead Alicia Cornelia and Features Lead Chadd Nervig well-nigh Battlegrounds Finishers and the new boards! The Jade Gardens Battlegrounds Lath, pictured above, will be bachelor every bit soon as the patch launches. All other new Battlegrounds cosmetics, including the Astral Touch Finisher and the Cosmic Report Battlegrounds Lath below, will become available starting on Feb 22.
*Battlegrounds Finishers are equipped globally, so any Hero you use will use your equipped Finisher whenever you win a round of gainsay. Both players will be able to see the winning player'due south Finisher at the end of any circular of combat.
Mercenaries Updates

Starting on February 22, Mercenaries will be hosting its beginning-ever limited fourth dimension event! Consummate a concatenation of ten heady event Tasks to harness the power of Chi-Ji, and strengthen all the Baronial Celestials. 2 new Tasks will be available on each of the first five days of the event, but you take until March eight to complete all x Tasks. Complete all 10 Tasks to earn the Chi-Ji Epic Mercenary Card, a Chi-Ji Mercenary Portrait, and over 1000 total Mercenary Coins for the new Mercenaries! As you ready for this event to begin, make your way through all the Alterac Valley Bounties and accept special care to strengthen your Beasts and Dragons, which will be essential for some of these Tasks.
Long'xin (Legendary Caster)
- Dragon
- 6/86 Maxed Stats
- Abilities:
- Celestial Breath 5 (Cabalistic): (Speed vii) Bargain xix damage to an enemy. Any excess harm continues right or left.
- Starfire Blessing 5 (Cabalistic): (Speed 2, Cooldown ane) For ii turns, gain +3 Cabalistic Impairment and "After this Merc is damaged, deal fourteen damage to a random enemy."
- Amid the Stars 5 (Arcane): (Speed i, Cooldown 1) Give an ally +13 Health and swap places with information technology. Enemy abilities targeting the Mercs swap targets (if possible).
- Equipment:
- Canteen of Infinite Stars 4: Among the Stars gives +four more than Health and too grants Health to your Dragons.
- Kun-Lai Crystal 4: Among the Stars starts off Cooldown. Passive: +8 Nature Resistance.
- Band of Bursting Novas iv: Battlecry: Gain +3 Arcane Damage for each of your Beasts and Dragons that has died this game.
Xuen (Epic Fighter)
- Animal
- 9/76 Maxed Stats
- Abilities:
- Equalizing Stike 5: (Speed 7) Choose an enemy. Prepare this Merc'south Attack to 5 higher than the target and Attack them.
- Pounce 5: (Speed 4) Borrow v Set on from all friendly characters for 2 turns. Attack an enemy.
- Tiger Lightning v (Nature): Deal this Merc'southward Assail damage to a random enemy. Deathblow: Proceeds +5 Attack and echo this.
- Equipment:
- Spear of Xuen 4: Equalizing Stike sets this Merc's Attack to an improver four college than the target.
- Celestial Chestplate iv: Pounce also steals v Assault from a random enemy.
- Charged Gauntlets 4: Tiger Lightning gives an boosted +four Attack.
Niuzao (Rare Protector)
- Animal
- 10/lxxx Maxed Stats
- Abilities:
- Headbutt 5: (Speed vii) Attack an enemy. If information technology has college Assail than this Merc, deal xvi damage to it instead.
- Bullish Fortitude 5: (Speed 2, Cooldown 1) Gain Taunt and your other characters take 5 less damage for 2 turns.
- Blessing of the Ox 5 (Arcane): (Speed iii, Cooldown 1) Each fourth dimension a friendly character is damaged this plow, requite them Divine Shield.
- Equipment:
- Bullish Belt four: Bullish Fortitude reduces damage taken by 5 more, but has +1 Cooldown.
- Helm of Niuzao 4: Passive: -2/+xvi. Subsequently an enemy Attack this Merc, deal 5 impairment to them.
- Talisman of the Ox 4: Passive: Subsequently a friendly character loses Divine Shield, this Merc gains +6 Health.
Yu'lon (Rare Protector)
- Dragon
- viii/85 Maxed Stats
- Abilities:
- Jade Gust v (Nature): (Speed 10) Deal 20 damage to an enemy. If they Attacked this plow, bargain twoscore damage instead.
- Jadeflame Buffet 5 (Burn down): (Speed one, Cooldown 1) Block Taunt and Stealth on all other characters for ii turns. Give your characters +ten Health.
- [Updated] Enveloping Mist 5 (Nature): (Speed 2, Cooldown ane) Gain Taunt this turn and +3 Nature Damage. Repeat for each other friendly Dragon.
- Equipment:
- Jadefire Spear four: Jadeflame Buffet gives an boosted +v Wellness.
- Serpent Pendant 4: Enveloping Mist gives an boosted +3 Nature Impairment.
- Pearl of Yu'lon 4: Passive: Your other Dragons take 4 less harm.
Chi-Ji (Epic Pulley)
- Animate being
- 7/79 Maxed Stats
- Abilities:
- Blazing Song five (Burn down): (Speed 3) Deal x damage to an enemy. Gain +3 Heal Power.
- Inspiring Song 5 (Fire): (Speed 4) Restore 10 Health to all friendly characters.
- Firestorm v (Fire): (Speed 5, Cooldown 1) Deal 5 damage to all enemies, and restore 5 Health to all allies.(Increased by Healing Power.)
- Equipment:
- Blazing Band 4: Blazing Song deals four more impairment and gives an additional +two Heal Power.
- Staff of Chi-Ji 4: Inspiring Song restores 10 more than Health.
- Flameheart Crystal 4: Passive: Subsequently a friendly Beast is healed, give them +5 Wellness.
Long'xin, Xuen, Niuzao, and Yu-lon will all exist available through all normal ways of acquiring a Mercenary, starting on February 15. Chi-Ji will be earned exclusively through the Chi-Ji result until information technology is made bachelor through the normal means of acquiring Mercenaries in the side by side major patch after the upshot is over.
Six new Bounties will as well exist added to the Alterac Valley Zone:
- Rotimer
- Ichman
- Balinda Stonehearth
- Ivus
- Vanndar Stormpike
- Kazakus
The Vanndar Stormpike and Kazakus Bounties will be added to the game afterwards the decision of the Chi-Ji issue. All other Bounties volition be added on February 15, with the launch of the patch.
Duels Update
- Infinite Arcane has been increased from v Mana to seven Mana.
Arena Rotation
When Patch 22.4 launches on February fifteen, ongoing Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. The eligible carte du jour sets will rotate so that the following sets will brand up the Arena card puddle:
- Fractured in Alterac Valley
- Fractured in Alterac Valley Onyxia's Lair Mini-Set
- I Dark in Karazhan
- Blackrock Mount
- Journey to United nations'goro
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Descent of Dragons
- Core
Book of Mercenaries—Bru'kan
The shaman Bru'kan of the Darkspear clan has washed his all-time to prepare the young Horde mercenaries for the battle ahead, just now the moment has come. The shattered naaru has reformed and its power has resurrected the vengeful warlock Tamsin Roame equally a lich! Can Bru'kan tap into the elemental energies of Alterac Valley and summon Lokholar the Ice Lord to end the war and finish Tamsin? Observe out when Book of Mercenaries Bru'kan launches on Feb xv. Defeating all 8 bosses in this linear adventure volition award one Shaman pack, containing only Shaman cards from Standard.
Bug Fixes & Game Improvements
- There will at present be a confirmation prompt when y'all attempt to concede a game before you would go quest progress for that game (similar "Play 3 Games" Quests and the Alterac Valley Honor Quests). We take also loosened the requirements on counting those types of Quests.
- When playing Maestra of the Masquerade, the premium level of Hero Powers volition at present match the premium level of the Hero (for instance, if y'all accept a Gilded Hero, your Hero Power volition at present be Golden, too), making for much better disguises.
- A duplicate uncraftable version of Shadow Commodities volition no longer appear in the Collection Manager.
- Stock-still a issues where Saidan the Scarlet could however get double-buffs from his effect, fifty-fifty after being Silenced.
- Fixed a bug where certain Mana Ramp cards would not grant Mana Crystals if you played Wildheart Guff and had between x and 20 Mana Crystals.
- Fixed a bug where playing Paralytic Poison on Kingsbane would crusade the "Immune when attacking" effect to behave over onto any other weapons equipped during the game.
- Stock-still a bug where the Daio Chan Valeera Hero Skin would block Baku the Mooneater'southward effect from upgrading the histrion's Hero Power.
- Fixed a issues where Lost in the Park (Druid'southward Questline) would non progress the commencement time that Set on is gained after equipping Sphere of Sapience.
- Updated the priority of several Cast When Drawn cards (including Fel Rift, Bleed, and Olgra, Mankrik's Married woman) to match that of cards like Soul Shards. One result of this change is that Runed Mithril Rod will now consistently discount the next carte du jour fatigued after whatsoever Bandage When Drawn bill of fare that activates Rod's effect, instead of the Cast When Fatigued card itself.
- Fixed a bug in Battlegrounds causing Baby N'Zoth and Brann Bronzebeard to give an actress activation.
- Fixed a bug where Baby Elekk would not trigger for a aforementioned-statted minion if the same-statted minion'due south stats inverse when played (such every bit when another minion is giving an aura stat-buff for that type of minion).
- Updated the text of all Mercenary Task 7s from "Defeat 2 Heroic Bosses" to "Complete 2 Heroic Bounties."
- Fixed a problems that immune players to identify Mercenaries they do not own into the Preparation Grounds, causing some players to get locked out of the Training Grounds.
- Fixed a visual issues causing Mercenaries Equipment Unlocks to show equally one Task earlier than the bodily unlock Tasks.
- Fixed a issues where Anduin's Task xi was tracking Harm instead of Healing.
- Fixed a bug where characters with Windfury could attack through Freeze.
- Fixed a bug where Vanessa VanCleef's Shifting Satchels Ability was respecting Taunt fifty-fifty though it's a ranged Ability.
- The stats of Eudora's Cannons will now testify on Prepare the Cannons and Primed Armaments.
- Fixed a bug that blocked some players from entering Duels if a previous Duels run ended prematurely.
- Stock-still a problems that sometimes blocked the win/loss record from showing in Duels and Arena.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes changed a player'south Favorited Carte Back in a Friend Challenge.
- Fixed a problems that prevented sure Card Backs from remaining marked as Favorited afterward logging out.
- The Immoveable Object has finally been moved! Fixed a bug preventing the "You lot Are Not Worthy" achievement from tracking progress.
- Misc. other operation improvements, issues fixes, and visual problems.
Source: https://www.gamepur.com/news/hearthstone-fractured-in-alterac-valley-onyxia-mini-set-coming-february-15-with-35-new-cards
Posted by: worleycale1965.blogspot.com
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